BBC Lifeline Appeal
I am supporting the Medical Detection Dogs BBC Lifeline Appeal to pioneer the early detection of cancer using dogs #bbclifeline
BBC Lifeline Appeal
“I am supporting the Medical Detection Dogs BBC Lifeline Appeal to pioneer the early detection of cancer using dogs” #bbclifeline
Television treasure and Medical Detection Dogs ambassador Kate Humble presents the charity’s BBC lifeline appeal in October.

Medical Detection Dogs is at the forefront of the research into the fight against cancer and helping people with life-threatening diseases using the olfactory power of dogs.
Watch Kate Humble on BBC One on 9th October tell the charity’s story, from seven year old Archie, whose dog Domino alerts him to life-threatening changes in his blood sugar levels, to the research work the charity is pioneering into early cancer detection.
“Medical Detection Dogs is an extraordinary charity, run by an inspirational team, and I’m very proud to be one of their ambassadors.” – Kate Humble.
The charity is currently running two major trials in co-ordination with NHS hospitals, one into the detection of prostate, bladder and kidney cancer using urine samples and the second into breast cancer using breath and swab samples.
In training trials, the dogs have achieved 93 per cent reliability, which is higher than many existing cancer tests.
The funds raised by the BBC lifeline appeal will go towards advancing the charity’s potentially life-saving cancer detection work.