Dawn & Zuri

Before Dawn partnered with her black Lab Zuri life was merely an existence. Suffering from Addison’s Disease and bronchial problems she would often blackout without warning and as well as missing special events, would find herself hospitalised most months.
Dawn explains she had to give up work and couldn’t go out without someone being with her. “ I lost a lot of my independence as it wasn’t safe for me to do things on my own”. So hoping to lead a more normal life or at least stay out of hospital for greater periods of time, she got in touch with MDD.
Now with the help of the charity and Zuri life has transformed for Dawn. “Life has changed so much” she says, “with the early warning she gives me I am able to take medication earlier to prevent hospitalisation. It also means I can go out on my own with her, knowing we can avoid all the drama and dangerous situations there were previously. My confidence has grown no end and I feel I’m living life again rather than just existing”.
Although Zuri’s training went smoothly the little Lab had medical problems of her own and had to undergo two hip replacements before her official training could start. Dawn however used Zuri’s recovery from surgery time, to begin work on scent training so that her dog could detect changes in odour caused by Addisons Disease and was able to train her to alert when she noticed Dawn was wheezing so that she could take medication for her bronchial condition earlier.
Dawn urges anyone considering approaching MDD for help to “just do it. They are great at talking you through the criteria, what training is involved and will help come up with the best plan for you”.
If you follow in the footsteps of Dawn and Zuri, you too might achieve a relationship like theirs – best friends who love and trust each other.