Sponsor Nora
Sponsor Nora today and help her save a life
Sponsor Nora from just £5 a month and you will receive a fantastic welcome pack and regular pupdates following his training.

Hi, I’m Nora. I’m a happy and playful puppy and with your help, I can become a life-saving Medical Detection Dog.
Breed: Cockerpoo
Gender: Female
Colour: Light brown
Likes: Settling in with my new family
Dislikes: Not being able to go out into the world yet!
Nora is the latest addition to the MDD family, and we are delighted that she has joined the team. We have had a few Cockerpoos already training with us, and we hope Nora will follow in their pawsteps. We’re certain that she will quickly pick up some of the core behaviours she will need whilst still enjoying being a puppy and discovering the world around her. Her trainer, Loren, will soon start to teach Nora the life skills she will need to become a Medical Detection Dog. In just a few weeks, Loren will begin taking Nora out and about to new environments, to socialise her with other dogs, as well as people, and to get her used to all the sights, smells, and noises that the world has to offer.
Nora is settling into her new life already. After a quick visit to The Centre, after her long journey from the southwest, she headed off to her new home where she’ll soon become one of the family. Her socialisers are really looking forward to having her around the home, particularly as Nora is the first dog that they are socialising for us. With the support of Loren, we are sure that her early socialisation and training will go very well indeed.
We are very happy to welcome another Cockapoo to the team. Clients in need of one of our dogs have a wide range of personal circumstances and this can include disabilities. So having a smaller breed of dog means that we will have the flexibility to place Nora with most clients. This, alongside her intelligence and abilities, means Nora will become an excellent member of the Medical Detection Dogs family. Good luck, young lady!
What do you get when you sponsor a puppy?

*Toy may vary from that shown
The difference a sponsor puppy can make

Elizabeth’s journey with PoTS has been a rocky one to say the least. She only appeared to have black out episodes whilst doing judo and used to get some kind of warning beforehand. As time passed she began to feel more unwell in day to day life; was always extremely tired and dizzy, ached constantly, and had frequent heart palpitations and chest pain. Her black outs also started happening more and more frequently without warning, and whilst doing daily activities, such as school, shopping or watching TV. Elizabeth also had a fair few bad injures and concussions from dropping suddenly. Henry and Elizabeth were partnered up and ready to give it a whirl in the real world. Elizabeth was blown away how much more relaxed, calm and safe her episodes were. Henry would alert, she’d sit down, and everything would run its course smoothly; no injuries or drama. With time his alerting became really strong and he hardly missed any episodes! Henry has allowed Elizabeth to take her independence back and start living! He’s her wet nosed knight in shining armour and she couldn’t be more grateful to him.